Wednesday, January 22, 2014

More Encounters with Evil

While developing web sites to keep my web design skills sharp, and working on "Hello! Chupacabra" as well as other endeavors, I have, of course, been searching for gainful employment with the system. The right-to-work state of Florida is a fairly hostile employment environment and with the glut of job seekers just getting an interview is a major hurdle. The search continues. The software employed by FLUID (the unemployment compensation system ran by the state of Florida, recently reworked by Rick Scott, worst governor in the history of the United States) still fails to operate correctly, and reported to me that I would not be getting a check at one point when I struggled through reporting my freelance work, but then operated correctly for no reason whatsoever. The instructions are ambiguous in many places, and I can only wonder what people who don't have a background in writing and programming do when they are presented with its many strange glitches (which can be overcome through repeated experimentation using different browsers, if you understand how this stuff works).

In the meantime,  there's no reason not to enjoy the weather and thank the powers that be that I'm not up in the frozen hell of Michigan. Of course my relatives have come to hate my facebook posts, such as the ones you see here. I always try to throw in something so life in here in Florida seems less than idyllic, such as "stubbed my toe on the stairs" or "got a flat tire on my bike" so they don't get too jealous of life here in the sunshine state. It seems to work.

I'm also working on providing other writers with some useful utilities, such as a tutorial on using the database function in OpenOffice Writer, and more Joomla tutorials at, so go give it a look if you're interested (the database tutorial will be on that website in a special section I'm creating for this type of work).

As usual, email from people encountering the chupacabra in the wild keep arriving. While most are clear fakes, some warrant further investigation. I've forwarded them to the respectable Dr. Arthur Antebury at the Mexico Institute for further investigation. (