Thursday, September 18, 2014

Poisons and Decay

Much has happened in the past weeks. I watch my father daily and the decline is becoming more apparent. I watch and it makes me sad, and scared because I know I may get like this in my future.

But, one mystery may have been solved. A couple years ago he went into the hospital, almost killed him, and the doc found an abcess near his liver. Could't provide a good explanation about how it formed. I think I know, after cleaning the house from one of his "wars" with ants, and watching him do dishes.

The dishes are never clean. The "war" consists of him spreading large amounts of powdered insect poison all around the house - including kitchen, dining room table, and food preparation areas (ants appear on the counter, you know). I should have realized this after I cleaned the home during his hospital stay but it didn't hit me, even as I was vacuuming up a 1/8" film of white powder all over the floor throughout the house. Roach powder.

Insecticide. Filthy dishes. Ok. Sighted him today cleaning out the inside of the garbage recepticle we keep in the kitchen with the same sponge we use to wash dishes. I mentioned that, in general, it's probably not a good idea to do that.

My dad is not a good housekeeper.